之前几天购买了760cc和790cc剃须刀的童鞋,今天又降了$15~20,大家可以根据老白之前写的教程要求客服进行PRICE MATCH,已经有人成功追回损失了,补的$20现金券到账户,可以在今后购物使用。
如果你碰到了一个不那么NICE的客服,实在是不行,就关掉LIVE CHAT窗口,隔段时间再上换个客服试试,不过这种情况一般较少出现,Amazon的客服通常都是VERY NICE的。
Me:Hi, I have bought this item at the price of $145.97 on Nov.23, but now the newest price is $125.97, I have not receive the item yet,I wonder if could have a price match and refund, thanks a lot!
Order Number:112-9058342-8209034
Deepak Raja:Just to confirm, is this the item name you are referring to : Braun Series 7- 790cc Pulsonic Shaver System, Silver ?
Yes, thank you.
Me:Yes it is
Deepak Raja:Thanks for your confirmation.
I checked and see that the price of the item right now is $140.97 and not as you referred. I'm sorry about that.
I'm sure it's disappointing to see a lower price on the item you recently purchased. Our prices regularly change, and the price you paid when your order shipped was the lowest price we were able to offer at the time.
I can also see that the item has $50 promotion been already applied to it.
Me:You can put this item in cart, then EDIT cart, there has a "save 15$ clip coupon"
We're sorry, but your last message may not have been sent.
You are now reconnected with Deepak Raja.
Deepak Raja:I'm sorry we were disconnected. I can pick up where we left off.
Me:wait ..
Deepak Raja:Sure.
Me:You can put this item in cart, then EDIT cart, there has a "save 15$ clip coupon"
then the last price is $125.97
Do you got my means?
Deepak Raja:Yes. I'll go ahead and check that for you
Me:Thank you
The last price is $125.97 before "place your order"
Deepak Raja:Thanks for waiting. I checked and see that the $50 promotion has already been applied to your order, we have reduced the list price of the item to $140.97. The promotion that you are referring to was not available when you placed the order. I can also see that your order got shipped and we don't have an option to apply the promotion now.
In order to take advantage of this promotion, you must place a qualifying order during the specified promotion period while supplies last. We're unable to apply special discounts to items ordered before or after the dates of the promotional offer.
But I have not received this item yet!
Deepak Raja:Yes, I can understand that. Since your order has already shipped, we don't have an choice to apply the additional promotion to your order.
We can make any changes to the order before the order gets shipped, since it is already been shipped, we are unable to do that for you.
Me:As your "price match" , I have the right to get the refund
Deepak Raja:I can understand your concern. As an one-time exception, I'll issue a $15 promotional credit for you.
Will that help you?
Me:wait ..
Deepak Raja:OK.
Me:But it should be $20 promotional credit for me.
Deepak Raja:Ok. I'll do that for you as an one-time exception.
I'll send an e-mail confirmation about the issuance of $20 promotional credit for you.
Me:en, it so kind of you . thanks a lot.
Deepak Raja:You're welcome.
Thank you for contacting Amazon.com. We hope to see you again soon! Have a nice one. Bye!
Me:Maybe i will buy that 790cc once more , hehe
Deepak Raja:You are welcome to do that.
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